We are happy to announce that as of today, May 1st, "Newborn Sky: Women in the Democratic Army of Greece" is available online at our Vimeo platform.
In this way, a journey that started four years ago at the mountains of Grammos, continued at the villages of Prespa and passed through various regions of Greece and abroad, in search of testimonies connected to the struggle of the DSE, does not stop, but acquires more fellow travelers.
We had the pleasure of being hosted in various places, meet new people, exchange views on history and receive information that helped us continue what we have had in mind since long time.
Leaving this chapter behind we are ready to write a new one, that of our next documentary, which is related to the Athens and Piraeus builder's movement in the 60s. Therefore, we would like to invite to regularly visit the COLLECTIVE MEMORY website, in order to stay in touch with this as well as any future plans.
Furthermore, you may follow COLLECTIVE MEMORY on Facebook, where new material will gradually be uploaded, while you may also leave your feedback.
Once again we would like to thank you for your financial, material and moral support.